Chemical LCA Workshop 2016: Overview


Saturday June 25th and Sunday June 26th in the University Center, UC Santa Barbara

The Chemical Life Cycle Collaborative (CLiCC) Project, funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is calling for applicants to a 2-day workshop on LCAs of emerging chemicals. This workshop is free and travel assistance is available to a limited number of applicants on a need-basis.  This workshop is free and travel assistance is available to a limited number of applicants on a need-basis.


Students in fields including, but not limited to, chemistry, chemical engineering, environmental science, materials science, environmental engineering, and environmental mangemenet are encouraged to apply.

Selected participants will be introduced to chemical LCA in general, and then join breakout groups around the topics of: (1) fate and transport model, (2) chemical life cycle inventory (LCI) models, (3) chemical exposure modeling, (4) the use of Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) in LCA, (5) the use of chemical process simulation in LCI, (6) life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) models, (7) LCAs for engineered nanomaterials, and (8) uncertainty characterization (the list of breakout groups may change based on the interest of the audience). Breakout group leaders will introduce their research on respective topics and run hands-on exercises followed by a discussion with the participants on applicability of the topic to the participants’ research interests.